Humility - Remembering that our mission is bigger than ourselves, we recognise that we always have more to learn and that success depends on others.
Courage - We do what is right, even if it is difficult or unpopular, by having honest conversations, valuing diverse perspectives, and boldly acting to further Habitat’s mission.
Accountability - We take personal responsibility for Habitat’s mission by acting with integrity, putting forth our best work, and learning from success and failure.
Habitat defines Safeguarding as ‘Preventing and responding to harm caused by physical or sexual abuse or exploitation, harassment, or bullying of the people in the communities we serve (especially vulnerable adults and children) and also the people who we work or partner with’.
Safeguarding is a set of procedures, practices and behaviours designed to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment and bullying. Safeguarding also includes how we respond to these abuses when they do occur, whether with staff, partners or in the communities we serve.
Staff and volunteers in Habitat for Humanity Ireland are committed to practice which promotes the welfare of everyone and safeguards them from harm. We wish to ensure that everyone can participate in an enjoyable and safe environment in which they can feel valued.
- Developing awareness of the issues which cause harm, and to establish and maintain a safe environment for everyone.
- Adhering to our safeguarding policy and ensuring it is supported by procedures.
- Designing its programmes and executing its mission by keeping the health & safety of everyone (especially children, vulnerable persons and the people in the communities we serve) paramount at all times.
- Sharing information about Safeguarding and good practice with staff, volunteers, partner organisations, parents/carers and ensuring they understand their responsibilities.
- Following carefully the procedures laid down for recruitment of staff and volunteers, including necessary checks.
- Ensure parental/guardian permission is obtained for any child to participate on a Habitat site, ReStore or programme. A child is anyone under the age of 18.
- Implementing a Code of Behaviour for all staff and volunteers.
- Providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support and training for their role.
- Having clear procedures for reporting, raising concern of and responding to abuse.
- Ensuring general safety and risk management procedures are adhered to.
We are committed to reviewing our policy, procedures, code of behaviour and practice at regular intervals, with a full review at least every 3 years.
Policy approved by: Habitat Ireland Board (February 2021)
For attention of and action by: Habitat Ireland Board, Staff, Volunteers, Parents/Carers and Partner Organisations
Fancea McNally Phone – 02892 635636 / 07826 843000 Email -
Jan Lindsay Phone – 02892 635637 / 07766 257576 Email -