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Since October 2023, conflict in the Middle East has spread to Southern Lebanon, causing a severe humanitarian crisis. Thousands of families have fled their homes in search of safety.

Habitat has worked in Lebanon since 2001, providing safe shelter, water and sanitation improvements and innovative solar solutions for local people and refugee communities.

In the face of this crisis, the Habitat team in Lebanon is on the ground; conducting assessments of affected areas, engaging with local authorities, and visiting potential collective shelter sites.

Habitat’s team in Lebanon team has developed a flexible intervention strategy; focused on improving the conditions of collective sites through close collaboration with emergency response and the shelter sector. This allows for rapid adjustments based on the evolving needs of displaced individuals and input from on-the-ground stakeholders.

Habitat will address urgent repairs to ensure the safety of individuals; Improve shelter conditions by fixing critical issues such as leaks, electrical faults, and inadequate sanitation facilities. Read more about our response plans here.

Over the last 10 years the volunteer hands of more than 10,000 people across Ireland have provided hands on support for our work by volunteering locally and globally in support of long-term partnerships.

From the relative comfort of this small place, it’s hard to take in that 110 million people in our world have been displaced by war, violence and persecution. It’s hard to imagine what it would be like to have to flee our homes for safety. Internal displacement isn’t something people choose.

Hope can be hard to find, so we are asking that you help us to be hope for families whose lives have been turned upside down.

Habitat volunteers already commit so much to our mission, we are asking every volunteer to donate £/€10 which together would be £/€100,000. Whatever you can afford will underpin our immediate response. Donate here.

Support those forced to flee

Whatever you can give will make a difference to those displaced in Lebanon

Donate here

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