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Last year we introduced you to Jika in our Summer Appeal. We caught up with her to find out how she is getting on in her new home, thanks to the support of people like you.

undefinedSince the death of both her parents, Jika (18) has been looking after her little sisters, Lucy and Dora. Life was tough living in a small, unsafe hut.

A simple Habitat home has changed everything for the family; they are safe, healthy and hopeful for the future.

Jika told us, "Not even in my dreams did I imagine living in a house like this. We have shelter and feel safe and secure. Thank you."

In Malawi, 4 out of 5 families live in poorly built homes made of mud bricks, dirt floors and grass thatched roofs. Homes constantly need repair and families are at high risk of disease.

The poorest are worst affected, including the 1.4 million children who are orphaned or vulnerable, largely as a result of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Last year, funds raised in Northern Ireland supported 7 families like Jika's. By building simple homes, facilitating training on HIV and malaria prevention and encouraging will writing, children and their families are uplifted for generations to come.

Help reach more families like Jika's by donating here, or read more stories from our Spring 2017 newsletter here.


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